Next Steps
As I finish my time at SLIM I look forward to the next part of my journey. September will see me move to New Haven, Connecticut to join the Episcopal Service Corps. The specific program I will be working with is St. Hilda's House. A program of spiritual formation and discernment for young adults my time there will be spent building the connections between head, heart and hands. Head, the intellect, will be fed through a weekly reading reflection focusing on theology, spirituality, social justice and other topics. My heart and spirit will be engaged through daily prayer, spiritual direction, retreats and the community I will live with. While my head and heart are being filled my hands will be at work in the community as I join one of the partner sites working to make a difference addressing the needs of the community. I'm eagerly awaiting this opportunity to take my already active faith and ministry to a new level in a new home as I live out the promises of change written in the gospel and attested to by countless saints.