____ to Male: A Guide for Those Seeking a More Masculine Presence
Provided by the H.A.V.E.N. Program
One of the hardest parts of transitioning is how slow it can seem. Despite great strides forward, setbacks often arise, making the journey seem unattainable. Regardless of the heavy odds, transitioning is possible, you CAN be yourself and with time the world may see it. The following resources showcase those who were successful on their journey, which hopefully will be a light to you, so that you may know that some day you might also reach a place where you are comfortable with who you are, no matter who that may be.
Trans Forming Families
By: Mary Boenke, Delores Dudley, Lori Bowden this powerful collection of experiences from the family members of transgender individuals is a must read to anyone coming out to
their family or those whose family member has come out as a non-binary gender or sex. It clearly demonstrates that a family can survive, and even thrive when someone transitions.
By: Ellen Wittlinger this is a fictional tale of a young transgendered man coming to terms with his identity while in high school. With the help of his geeky friend, the protagonist
learns of the parrotfish, a species in which the female fish can naturally transition to male, and finds his own identity.
Trans Enough
Challenging the stereotypes of transitioning this video reminds guys that no matter what you like, do, dress and act like you are man enough. For those who identify as trans, it
is a reminder that you don't have to want all options in transitioning to be trans. You are enough as who you are
My Genital Affirmation
A Vagina Dialog: A Transgender Vagina Talks Back is an affirmation from a transgendered man talking openly about his male vagina.
Joshua Klipp, "Little Girl"
Making history, Mr. Klipp's song "Little Girl" made history by being the first to play a transmales per-testosterone voice alongside his current voice.